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Event Videography

Event Videography&Photography

EVENT Services

Event Videography &  Photography

Event Videography, strictly speaking, falls under documentary videography and inherently carries commercial attributes. It is typically used for brand promotion or government press conferences. Therefore, event videography,serves a specific purpose, requiring a series of videos and photos to convey the essence of the event. These footages, which are interconnected and carry a certain narrative, form documentary-style 'commercial works' that capture the core message of the event.

Budget Control

Using Higher-Grade Equipment within the Client's Budget.
More takes

Capture additional High-Quality Shoots for each Scene without increasing the Budget. Providing wider range of material selections for Post-Production.

Post-Production Mindset


Our cinematographers possesses video editor’s mindset, communicates with the clients proactively on-site. Capturing more valuable footages.


  • Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions

  • Corporate Events (Brand&Product Launch, Networking,Team Building, Annual Event

  • Festive Event

  • Client &Staff Appreciation Event

  • Concert & Carnival

  • Dinner & Dance

  • Media & PR Event

  • Roadshow

Event Photography

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Past Works From Our Team

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